Are you missing one or more teeth? Are you searching for a permanent solution to replace your teeth? If so, you have reached the right place. Dental implants in Dubai might be your best option if you have missing teeth. 

Though there are several advancements in dental care, millions of people suffer from tooth loss even today. The primary causes are tooth decay, injury, or diseases like periodontal disease. For years, the only treatment available for missing teeth were dentures and bridges. 

But, recently, tooth implants have started to take notice as implants can replace one or more teeth to restore esthetics and function. Implants are artificial tooth roots that can support the restoration of your missing tooth. The primary part of implants is to help prevent jaw bone loss.

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If you have lost your teeth for some reason or trauma, it might make you feel too self-conscious to smile or talk. Your missing tooth might cause biting irregularities, which could lead to chewing problems and, finally indigestion. Moreover, missing teeth could affect your eating habits, leading to health problems such as malnutrition. Hence, getting tooth implants could be the best solution. 

Continue reading to learn about your implant options and the different types of dental implants available.

What is Dental Implants in Dubai?

If you have a single missing tooth, your doctor will use one implant and a crown to replace that tooth. An implant replaces both the lost natural tooth as well as its root.

A tooth implant or an artificial tooth root is placed into your jaw to hold a bridge or the replacement tooth. In simple terms, implants are the replacement for the tooth roots. You can think of implants as an alternative for one who has lost a tooth due to trauma, an injury, periodontal disease, or some other reason.

Implants provide a strong foundation both for the fixed or removable replacement teeth. You can call them surgical fixtures. They look very similar to your natural teeth. The dental implant is placed in your jawbone after dental surgery, and its fusions with the bone make it more stable. 

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The implant stands alone and does not affect your adjacent teeth. Moreover, the artificial tooth root provides greater stability to the replaced teeth. The fusion process between your implant and jawbone might take longer and vary among individuals. 

The implantation procedure is often categorized as a form of prosthetic or artificial replacement dentistry. But many others consider the procedure as a form of cosmetic dentistry.

Implants are a safe, convenient, and well-established treatment having a high success rate. It is good to say that implants are just like your natural teeth. And will last longer if you care for them. How well you look after them and whether you go for your regular maintenance appointments – will impact how long your implants last.

You might lose your teeth due to the following reasons:

  • Gum disease or periodontitis.
  • Tooth decay.
  • Root canal failure.
  • Tooth injury or trauma to the mouth.
  • Congenital disabilities.
  • Excessive wear and tear of the tooth.

Types of Dental Implants in Dubai

Implants are often manufactured from pure titanium. They are tiny, fit your bone under the gum, and act as a regular tooth root. These impacts can be used for any kind of tooth loss and can also be personalized to fit whatever you need them for.

Surprisingly, more than 60 companies worldwide manufacture dental implants and the materials used to create restorations placed on the implant. Therefore, your surgeon or implant dentist might have many options for identifying the proper treatment for you. 

These titanium implants provide the strength and stability required to eat and chew your food. You will not struggle to chew your food with dental implants. In addition, these implants will help maintain your jaw bone, prevent bone loss, and help support your facial features.

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There are two main types of dental implants: endosteal implants and subperiosteal implants. While there are several methods, your dentist might use implants. All the different types typically fall into these two categories.

How Are Dental Implants in Dubai Placed?

Your dental implant restorations will function similarly to your natural teeth. Once your surgeon places an implant, usually done using a simple local anesthetic – the teeth can function like normal teeth. It is a straightforward procedure. The surgery will help build up a structural connection between the implant and your living jaw bone. 

The process by which the implant anchors to your jaw bone generally takes a few months to heal. In the end, your dentist will place a dental crown, bridge, or hybrid denture restoration on top of it. Without these restorations, it will cause the loosening of the dental implant in the bone. This would affect the success rate of your implant in the long run.

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Your dentist will suggest using implants on a missing tooth only after you have crossed your adolescence or when the bones in your mouth have fully grown. If your dental gums and teeth are in the growing stages, you cannot undergo implant surgery. But if you are suffering from conditions like active diabetes, periodontal disease, or severe illness like cancer, you might need additional treatment before the implant procedure.

Preparation of the Jaw for Implantation 

For the implant, your dentist will use an implant and restoration made of titanium material. The implant will look like a screw or cylinder that would be placed into your jaw. 

Most manufacturers use titanium to make dental implants. Titanium can easily integrate with your jaw bone as your body does not recognize it as a foreign object. Over the last decade, technology has progressed to improve the accessories related to dental implants. According to stats, today, the success rate for dental implants is more than 98%.

First, your dentist will drill a small-diameter hole at the jaw where you have a missing tooth. This process will help to guide the titanium implant fixture in place.

Over the next few months, it is needed as the implant and the bone is allowed to bond together – forming an anchor for your artificial tooth. During this period, your dentist might place a temporary tooth replacement that can be worn over your implant site.

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Your surgeon requires excellent expertise and skill to avoid damaging your vital face structure and jaw during such surgery. 

Tooth Implant Placement

After drilling the pilot hole, your surgeon will widen it to place the titanium implant screw. After that, your surgeon will secure the surrounding gum tissue and place the protective cover screw on top. 

Once healed, your surgeon will uncover your implant. In the next step, they will attach an abutment, small metal piece on the top. Finally, your dentist will complete the process with a dental crown by replacing the temporary crown.

Dental Implants in Dubai Recovery and Aftercare

Several factors govern your dental implant recovery process. For example, your implant dentist might need to carry out other dental procedures to complete your treatment. 

In addition, you should compulsorily maintain good oral hygiene habits after your surgery. This would help the dental implant to integrate with your bone structure properly. 

Your unhygienic oral conditions could lead to infection, which means failure of the treatment. Hence, you should try to keep the implant and the surrounding areas clean to avoid infections. If you are a smoker, it might contribute to higher failure rates. Therefore, you should try to avoid smoking, especially after your dental implant procedure.

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You might notice swelling of the gums, which is a common symptom, especially after the initial surgery. You might also notice minor bruising and bleeding in the treated area. Strictly follow your surgeon’s instructions and take prescribed pain medications. These preventive steps would help to relieve any pain or discomfort after the surgery.

Post-surgery, you should try to restrict your diet to only soft foods for a few days to increase the healing process. You can start eating normal food once your dentist removes the stitches.  

The complete healing process might take more than six months. In addition, the fitting and seating of the dental crown might take up additional months. You may also need follow-up appointments with your implant dentist as it is essential to monitor your progress. If you care properly, dental implants can remain in place for a lifetime.

Dental Implants in Dubai – Results

Most dental implants are successful. Sometimes, however, in some people, the bone fails to fuse sufficiently to the metal implant. At times, smoking may contribute to implant complications and failure.

If the bone fails to fuse sufficiently, the dental implant is removed, the bone is cleaned up, and your dentist will try the procedure again in about three months.

You can help your dental work remain like natural teeth and want it to last longer than you should follow:

Practice excellent oral hygiene. Just like your natural teeth, keep implants, artificial teeth, and gum tissue clean all the time. Specially designed brushes, like an interdental brush that slides between teeth, can help clean the nooks and crannies around the artificial teeth, gums, and metal posts.

See your dentist frequently. Schedule dental checkups to ensure the proper functioning of your implants and follow the advice for professional cleanings.

Avoid damaging habits. Do not chew very hard items, like ice and hard candy, which can break your crowns. Avoid tooth-staining things such as tobacco and caffeine products. Get treatment if you are in the habit of grinding your teeth.

A Better Smile Is in Your Future

Today’s most dental implant restorations are so perfect that they are virtually indistinguishable from other natural teeth in your mouth. This is partly because of the structural and functional connection between the dental implant and the living bone. In addition, modern technology has made this match so perfect.

If you take proper care of your dental implants, they might remain in place for a lifetime. Only your implant dentist can help you determine which option is best suited for you. The decision will depend on your particular needs and conditions. 

Are you looking for a dental implant near me? If you desire to get back a fully functioning mouth in spite of your missing teeth and want to smile with confidence, give us a call today.